HyperFiber Leaps Ahead With Field Squared

Meet HyperFiber

HyperFiber isn't just any startup; it's a trailblazer in the fiber internet world, spreading high-speed connectivity across multiple states. Whether it’s setting up lightning-fast internet for homes or small businesses, HyperFiber is on a mission to meet the booming demand for fiber internet.

The Big Hurdles

HyperFiber's Challenges:

  • Scaling Operations: How do you handle a tidal wave of new installations without breaking a sweat?
  • Automating Field Services: Streamlined Scheduling and Dispatch for a Modern Workforce.
  • Improving Reporting: Accurate, speedy documentation is key.

The Perfect Solution: Field Squared

HyperFiber partnered with Field Squared and gained significant advantages from key features such as:

  • Smart Scheduling and Routing: Automated scheduling and routing made everything smoother.
  • Custom Forms for Workflow Automation: Less manual work and more efficiency.
  • Seamless Integration: Everything synced perfectly with their existing OSS/BSS systems.

The Amazing Results

What Changed for HyperFiber?

  • Boom in Installations: From managing just 1-2 installations daily, they soared to 20 installations daily – without hiring extra dispatch staff!
  • Real-Time Magic: Instant scheduling and communication with field teams improved everything.
  • Smooth Documentation: Reporting and documentation are now a breeze.

Hear it from the Top

"We have scaled from doing one to two installs a day to 20 without a single headcount hire," says Justin Nelson, COO and EVP of Engineering and Operations at HyperFiber. That’s efficiency at its best!

Curious for More?

  • Case Study: Dive deeper into HyperFiber's success story here.
  • Video: Watch the interview with Justin Nelson here.