Make Decisions Based on Information and Insight

Real-Time Field Service Operations Information at Your Fingertips


Field Service Analytics, Reporting & Business Intelligence

Every day, you plan your field workforce jobs, take work orders, and gather customer data, but how do you track your field service analytics to ensure the efficiency of your field workforce? Can you forecast demand on the fly or quickly shift priorities based on real-time data? Do you have the key performance indicators (KPIs) or field service analytics, reporting, and business intelligence to answer these questions? How do you effectively measure your field service operations against organizational objectives?

The Field Squared Platform provides automated, real-time field service analytics, reporting, and business intelligence to help you readily track your key field performance indicators and overall field service health. From reducing travel time, optimizing field work order efficiency, and leveraging predictive drive time data for fuel cost savings to effectively tracking mileage for compliance purposes, Field Squared allows you to measure, track, and analyze your entire field operations processes from a single, powerful unified Dashboard.

Key Benefits


Actionable, real-time field service workforce insights in one dashboard


Ability to benchmark and compare field operations trends over time


Recognize training opportunities by tracking technician performance


Seamlessly integrate Field Squared with your back-office systems for further reporting


Easily send a live, on-demand report via email


Download or export reports via Excel, CSV, or PDF for further analysis

Key Features


Gain Real-Time Field Service Operations Intelligence

With Field Squared, automating field service operations analytics and business intelligence is easier than ever. The Field Squared Data Analytics Engine works for you, enabling the rapid creation of reports and charts (bar, pie, 3D, 3D pie, etc.) tailored to your specific field operations reporting needs. No more guessing at what’s working, what’s not, and where efficiency gains can be made. With key insights at your fingertips you can focus on proactive planning of your field workforce and conduct demand forecasting to reach new levels of business effectiveness.

  • Track, chart, and report on mileage driven
  • Establish benchmarks to reduce travel time
  • Report on completed tasks or work orders

Quickly Build Customized Reports – No Coding Required

The Field Squared Dashboard provides an at-a-glance view of reports in the form of widgets. Users can customize their dashboard to see the most beneficial data for their field operations. Reports our customers have built include:

  • The average number of exceptions across inspections
  • Actual to proposed miles driven for expenses and mileage claim verifications
  • Average time spent per work order type
  • Number of work orders per type
  • Invoice totals by work order type

Field Workforce Management & Mobility

 Watch this short product video (it’s only about 1-minute!) to see inside Field Squared’s field workforce management and mobility software.

Integrate, Automate, and Report Across Your Disparate Business Systems

We understand you have multiple disparate business systems that power your field operations, workforce, and business processes. Field Squared is interoperable across any back-office business system via API, web services, FTP and more, surfacing all those deep analytics right on the Dashboard. Some of the many back-office systems our customers have integrated with include:

  • Customer relationship management solutions (CRM)
  • Geographic information systems (GIS)
  • AI/data analytics tools
  • Enterprise resource planning systems (ERP)
  • HR/payroll tools
  • Outage Management Systems (OMS)
  • Support ticketing solutions
  • Enterprise databases

The possibilities are near-endless, allowing you to realize a holistic view of your field operations and make informed decisions.

Learn more about Field Squared integrations.


Ready to Get Started?

See inside Field Squared’s software in a live demo.
Explore what Field Squared can do for your business, from mobile forms to assets.