As utilities engage in substation inspections, asset management, meter replacements, regulatory requirements, increases in sensor data, and normal day-to-day field operations, there becomes a driving need to mobilize the field workforce, extend the back-office, orchestrate volumes data, utilize data analytics and ultimately improve business efficiency.
Utilities are evaluating a wide range of mobility solutions for the field workforce. They vary in complexity from simple mobile forms creation tools, to “build your own applications”, to large back-office middleware that requires customized software to be written.
In this session we will explore mobile WFM software considerations back-office integration, workflow configuration, work order & forms automation, standalone vs. web-based , off-the-shelf vs. configurable, security, offline/online capabilities and standardized vs. proprietary mobile devices.
Milsoft User Conference
Milsoft Utility Solutions develops, sells and supports an Engineering and Operations (E&O) System for electric utility planning, analysis, operations and management.