Field Service News & Technology Roundup is our blog series, where we feature the latest interesting field service and technology insights impacting field service organizations.
Summer, oh how we missed you. This is the busiest time of the year for many field service businesses. As for news, the past month did not disappoint.
If you are looking for a way to get up to speed, this month’s edition of Field Service News and Technology Roundup is the one to read. June was all about how different industries are getting back to work, safely.
The month of June also saw an uptick in articles detailing how new technologies are being adopted and put into practice by service businesses.

Digital Manufacturing Preparing for a New Normal
Source: Global Manufacturing Magazine
Author: Georgia Wilson, Contributor
It is evident the world may never return to what we once viewed as “normal” before the pandemic. Instead, we are preparing for what will become our “new normal,” with social distancing, heavy-duty cleaning protocols and the disappearance of the handshake until who knows when.
Leading consulting and research firm, McKinsey and Company, recently conducted research centered on the manufacturing industry. Of particular interest was the impact digital manufacturing will have across European organizations. The statistics are jarring, including shining a light on just how far behind organizations are in adopting industry 4.0 tools.
McKinsey provides five principles that successful organizations have instilled across their operations. I won’t cover those here, but they are worth reviewing. The meat of the article discusses tools organizations put in place to help them achieve digital transformation. The list is interesting and may provide your own organization with ideas.
Read the full article here.

The Convergence of Events That Will Change the Field Service Industry
Source: Field Technologies Online
Author: Mark Percy, VP of Technology at Field Squared
Regardless of the current situation, the field service industry is changing, fast. Here at Field Squared, we see it on the horizon: a convergence of events that will change the field service industry. It is an important, often overlooked topic we know needs to be top of mind.
In Field Technologies Online, our VP of Technology presents 5 converging events and discusses the potential impact for the industry. You may also be aware of a couple of the events yourself. Specifically, an aging workforce may be a challenge at your company as I write this. Or, maybe you, too, adopted multiple systems that are unable to “talk” to one-another.
Honestly, of all the articles in this month’s edition of this blog series, this is the one to read.

Construction Industry is a Rocket About to Take Off
Source: Construction Dive
Author: Jenn Goodman
The current market situation is presenting unique situations for certain service industries making the transition back to work. The construction industry in particular is one such industry where social distancing can be a challenge.
Construction Dive’s Jenn Goodman conducted a series of interviews with leaders in the industry as they reopen operations. In this article, Goodman spoke with Chuck Goodrich, the president/CEO Gaylor Electric, to get his insight on how they are reopening under the new normal.
Goodman asks key questions that focus on safety, but also a look-ahead at what the future holds for the industry.
New ideas to help protect your own business can be found in this recommended article.

How to Utilize Field Operations Automation in Construction Services
Source: Field Squared Blog
Author: Mark Percy, VP of Technology at Field Squared
Speaking of the construction industry, a couple months back, we took the time to write about the benefits of applying field service automation software to challenges experienced by businesses within the industry.
This blog is particularly poignant today when applied to today’s social distancing protocols on job sites. For instance, it just doesn’t make sense to use paper in the field. Mobile service software removes that element and replaces it with mobile forms or the ability to quote a new job, paperless.
The blog also details other interesting solutions you may not have thought to try as you reopen operations.
If you haven’t taken the 15 minutes needed to read this post, take the time now.

<a href="https://www.forbes.com/sites/marcoannunziata/2020/05/26/why-skilled-trades-can-lead-the-jobs-recovery-and-enjoy-a-brighter-future--klein-tools-front-line-insights/#727126a662c9 rel=" noopener="" noreferrer"="" target="_blank">Why Skilled Trades Can Lead The Jobs Recovery And Enjoy A Brighter Future
Source: Forbes
Author: Marco Annunziata, Senior Contributor, Forbes Manufacturing
The economy is slowing reopening and jobs are on the recovery. Which group has the most potential to make an impact right now? According to Marco Annunziata of Forbes, skilled trades.
Annunziata features insights from hand tools maker, Klein Tools, as they reflect on the past couple months of operations while discussing the future needs of the business. Klein mentions the how traditionally office workers that shifted to working from home, he sees the need for improving digital communication lines or AV upgrades. Activities such as these may help move the economic recovery forward before other segments.
It is an interesting article worth taking a few minutes to read.

MRO: The Challenges of Moving from Preventative to Predictive Maintenance
Source: SupplyChain24/7
Author: Gary Forger, Contributing Editor
Maintenance service has come a long way, bolstered by software and other industry-specific technology (i.e., augmented reality, virtual reality). However, there is much more that can be done as organizations shift from reactive to proactive maintenance. That is where Gary Forger’s latest article in SupplyChain24/7 comes in.
Forger presents the challenges faced as organizations shift from preventative to predictive maintenance. It would be a dream to flip a switch and it all happens in one, swift go. Sadly, that is not the case.
Taking a topic that was supposed to be a live panel session at the National Symposium for Supply Chain Automation, representatives from two well-known brands spoke at length in a virtual session.
The article follows the conversation of “How sensors, data analytics and artificial intelligence are enabling predictive maintenance practices.” While too much information for me to discuss here, I will comment the answer to the question, “What’s been holding you back in predictive maintenance? And, what are the obstacles to moving ahead?” posed to Phil Jones, director of supply chain engineering at Target, to be most interesting.
If you have the time, read this article in a single session. It is truly insightful and may even give you some ideas to explore.