Field Service News & Technology Roundup is our blog series, where we feature the latest interesting field service and technology insights impacting field service organizations.
With so much happening around the world, field service news became something to turn to. Reading about new advancements in technology for mobile workforces was pretty intriguing over the month.
Our February Field Service News and Technology Roundup includes topics across seemingly disparate, but nonetheless interesting topics and a video you can’t miss.

Service Strategy and the 50/50 Rule
Source: Field Technologies Online
Author: Bruce Breeden, Field Service Resources
One of the best field service publications out there is Field Technologies Online of which service expert, Bruce Breeden, is a regular contributor. While not officially a February article, I would be remiss not to include this article: Service Strategy and the 50/50 Rule.
In basic terms, like most businesses, organizations that manage a mobile workforce can’t focus on everything all at once. There is a constant struggle to choose between an ever-growing list of wants, needs and wish lists. Breeden says 50% of projects should focus on the technology aspect of field service, while the other 50% should focus on the human performance aspect of operations.
He provides a really great resource called “2020 imperatives” which is well worth reviewing.
The article also discusses training front line technicians as well as the importance of leveling up the skills across leadership.
Read the full article and get your 2020 plans in order.

How Utilities Can Regain Control of Their Technology Roadmap
Source: Bain & Company
Author: Arnaud Leroi, Alex Martynov and Keith Romero of Bain & Company
With all that is happening in the world right now, this is probably more important now than when this article was written. Utility providers and those companies that service them, need to spend time evaluating the cost/benefit of implementing technology to help increase efficiency, reduce waste, and save on overhead.
This specific article dives into roadblocks utilities face when it comes to moving away from antiquated systems. Utilities we hear from typically maintain systems on-premises and many are not aware of how impactful shifting to cloud-based technology can be on service operations. Yes, there is fear in such a heavily regulated industry – fear of takeover or attacks by bad actors or hackers on systems. However, the security of the cloud can in and of itself be a reason to adopt such technology. That is a longer conversation for a future blog.
What I found useful in this article were twofold: the statistics presented and the clear breakdown of three key principles to help digitally transform utilities. I won’t go into detail, as I highly recommend taking the time to read the full article.

9 Technology Megatrends for Healthcare in 2020
Source: Health IT Outcomes
Author: Scott Hampel at MedeAnalytics
I love a good yearly prediction article. Typically filled with insights, stats and new technology, they provide a reprieve from other news I read. Healthcare technology is a fast-growing sector, so it is no surprise technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and telehealth are both included on this list.
Megatrend No.8 I found to be the most interesting. Not just because of the name they chose to represent that item on the list, but the statistics presented. According to the article, an estimated $1 trillion that goes to interoperability and analytics within the healthcare sector in the U.S. is wasted. Incredible.
Hampel also mentions predictive analytics at one point, just before giving his thoughts on the situation beyond 2020.
This is an interesting article for healthcare, but also other industries looking for ideas around their own analytics programs. You can read the full list here.

4 Daily Habits to Engage Your Field Workforce
Source: Field Technologies Online
Author: Bruce Breeden, Field Service Resources
The title of this article caught my attention. It takes 21 days to form a habit. At least, that’s what I learned many years ago. Seeing as how humans are creatures of habit, Bruce Breeden’s list of 4 daily habits service leaders can use to engage their field workforce is a solid resource to utilize.
Implementing training programs as well as adopting the right field service management technology are included in Breeden’s list. I think this article has actionable takeaways many service businesses can implement today with very little effort. Explore the full story and help your team get started developing daily habits today.

Want to learn more about field service automation?
Watch our 60-second demo video for a quick look inside how Field Squared works. Watch below.
Image Source: Unsplash by Keith Misner