Wearable technology has come a very long way over the past couple years. In fact, the market has seen a truly incredible trajectory. Based on statistics from 3dinsider, of the more than 56 million adults that wear some form of wearable tech, over 50% wear a smartwatch.
It’s technology like smartwatches and head-mounted displays, such as virtual reality headsets, that have the potential to completely change how field service work is conducted.
I am so excited about this particular topic, so this quick blog may be short, but it’s packed with all the information you need to know about the potential impact connecting wearable technology to the field has.
Today, our mobile phone, tablet and laptop notifications rule our day. In a similar fashion (unintended pun), smartwatches are a nearly hands-free way field technicians can interact with the world.
For example, a technician is running late when they receive a message from the operations manager asking for a status update. With just a tap, they choose an option, “Running late,” “on my way,” or “reschedule,” without ever pulling out a mobile phone.
Head-Mounted Displays
The market for head-mounted displays is heating up. Specifically, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) devices have gone through a considerable change since their first-generation counterparts.
A few well-known vendors are working on a wireless VR headset, which make more sense for in-the-field operation anyway, not to mention the average gamer. No more being tethered to a unit—a potential tripping hazard.
Smart Glasses
Then, there are smart glasses of which Google Glass and VuFine are examples.
Particularly in the building and construction industry, smart glasses provide contextual information in the field of view, eliminating the need for a separate device and allowing the field worker to be completely hands-free.
The Future of Wearable Technology
Future wearable technology is interesting, and not just for field service. Healthcare really has the most promise for wearables. Imagine a lab on a chip that diagnoses medical issues without drawing blood. Tying such health data into field service software for mobile healthcare providers, means a nurse would know vitals or other stats before they arrive for an on-site med check.
There are other uses for wearable tech in military applications. The aforementioned health and vitals are a start. Embedded chips in clothing or even advanced uses of augmented reality that displays typographic information, without giving away one’s location, would be another interesting use case.
Honestly, I can’t wait to see what the future holds for wearable technology and how it will impact field service. Any way to make field service work safer, easier and extract more data that connects to field service management software is of great value.

Image Source: Canva